II discovered my joy of embroidery at a farmers market in Halifax, Nova Scotia. A local craft goddess selling embroidery kits made me feel like I just might be able to this. By her eliminating the “Where do I begin?” question from my mind, I was able to learn the basics.
After those first few backstitch lines, I was hooked. Embroidering combines many things that I love into one medium. I adore color, tiny details, handcrafts, and a little sparkle every once and a while.
Kit Maker and Everything Doer
You will typically see me at our craft fairs, selling the current lineup of kits and goodies. I also assemble almost all of the kits and ship them out to you! While I am not the artistic brains behind the Mod Stitcher I do enjoy making sure everything runs smoothly!
you ARE the mod stitcher
Without YOU to add your special spark to the designs, this wouldn’t really be worth doing. We love to see what you do with your kit and the ways in which you enjoy embroidery. Check out the #themodstitcher and see what others like you are up to!