Transferring Design to Fabric

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Once you have chosen your design and your fabric, you need to transfer it to your fabric. If you are making your own design, you can totally just draw right onto your fabric using your embroidery pens.

If you are using a downloaded design here are the steps you need to do:

  1. Print your design. You may have to change the scale when you print it, which may take a few tries to get the print to be the right scale for your hoop size.

  2. IF YOU HAVE A LIGHTBOX, Lay your design on your lightbox and tape it down so it wont move. IF YOU DON’T HAVE A LIGHTBOX, tape your design to a window in your house that has the most light pouring in.

  3. Lay your fabric on top of that, and tape it down as well so it wont move either.

  4. Trace your design using your embroidery pen. Think of this as adding guidelines rather than being exact. Trace it as best as you can, focusing on the big shapes and outlines. You can also keep the printout nearby so that you can reference it if your tracing wasn’t exact enough.

    Design Transfer Tools:

    Black Erasable Pen and White Pen.



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